Sunday, May 1, 2016

meArm User Interface: (2) Coding with ControlP5

UI progress.  The past week was slow as Enzio and I experimented with the ControlP5 library and tried to wrap our heads around everything we needed to accomplish.

Though our current work is not so aesthetically appealing, the functionality is there. The video above is to demonstrate that we have a system in place where certain buttons will "lock" after being used, forcing the user to follow the rules of our crane game system as detailed in the previous post.

As we move forward into the final week before finals, Enzio and I plan to split the remaining workload as follows:
Enzio's main goal is to get the buttons to move the robot arm as intended. As it stands, we have been using placeholder variables where the servo positions need to be updated, so he will troubleshoot that aspect of things as well as getting a start on our robot's specific task (picking up an item as an arcade crane game would do, dropping it in a designated location).
My main goal is to complete the "Free Mode" side of the UI and make everything look more appealing overall. What you may or may not have noticed is that we took a departure from our two-tab initial design and elected to have both modes visible at once, on two opposite sides of the sketch. However, as one may expect, only one mode can be activated at any given moment.
Despite what we have so far not looking like much, I think we're on the right path to finish this semester off with a spectacular project.

Paige Ruka

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