Saturday, February 20, 2016

Digital Clock Redesign: (4) Coding In Progress

As shown above, I am currently in the process of completing the code for my clock to function properly. I've got all the variables corresponding with the cats working, which I'm very pleased with. As for what's left, I want to add some color, either randomly or based on a mapping of a different variable.

However, I have a few problems I'm running into as things are now. First, I set the frame rate to 1 because in Java mode (a.k.a. the Processing application itself), the two ellipses which separate the hours from the minutes seem to shift after one frame slightly to the right, then never again. I have no idea why this would be happening; the circles shouldn't move at all. Eventually I'll perhaps want a system where they blink once per second, but that's to be dealt with after this weird "shifty circle" issue. The other issue I have is with my vectors; even though I disabled the style on all of them, it looks to me like some have thicker outlines than others. I'm not sure if that's a global issue or just an issue with my personal computer; unfortunately, I have no way to check, as I won't have access to the school computers until Monday.

I think it's going alright otherwise, but these issues are strange, and I need to take a break for today because I don't know what's causing them and it's frustrating me ever so slightly.

Paige Ruka

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