Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Digital Clock Redesign: (6) Final Design & Download Link

With just a few short hours to spare, I have completed my digital clock redesign! I'm very happy with the result. The divider between the hours and minutes changes from white to black based on whether the number of seconds detected by Processing's built-in second() function is odd or even. I've successfully created a method of fading from one number to the next, and the color of the cats changes every minute.

I've also included a download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1c4k3sgj2t6nla/Digital_Clock.zip?dl=0. Since I've included images in my sketch, simply copying and pasting my code won't suffice; you'll need the vector files as well for it to work. This is something I hope my peers will consider including in their posts as well if they have also used external media in their piece.

Paige Ruka

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